Patriots' new Super Bowl podcast trailer attempts to erase Bill Belichick from history

New England Patriots Press Conference
New England Patriots Press Conference / Maddie Meyer/GettyImages

As if the overflow of rumors about Bill Belichick's departure hadn't been enough, the Patriots are embroiled in more controversy this week with a trailer for their new Super Bowl podcast. The team's social media posted a teaser clip for a fascinating new podcast coming later this month, but fans quickly noticed something missing from the video.

There isn't a single shot of Belichick during the 1:20 video. Given that the foundation of the new show will consist of the dynasty years, which the head coach led the team to over the course of 20 years, it's a very odd conscious decision to make to exclude him.

Fans and media alike immediately questioned New England's efforts to seemingly erase Belichick from the team's history, wondering who made the call to do so and why. Speculation has suggested that the relationship between him and Robert Kraft was far from peachy in the end, hence the parting of ways, but rumors aren't always filled with truth, especially in the case of the Boston sports media.

But this seems to somewhat confirm there was more hostility than most knew.

Although the excitement for Jerod Mayo is through the roof, it's only been a few weeks since the greatest head coach to ever step foot on an NFL field announced he was leaving the team, a decision that some fans have not accepted just yet. So, seeing the team already moving on comes off as petty and embarrassing, making the entire situation even more unfortunate.

When Tom Brady left four years ago, the team posted plenty of tributes, which have continued in the years since. Reports indicated there was a lot of tension behind the scenes between the quarterback and coach, but that didn't stop the social media team from posting about him even when he was playing for Tampa.

Ensuring Belichick isn't shown in any clip during the most successful years in team history was not a good move. Unfortunately for the team, they'll continue to hear about it from the fans and media, rightfully so.

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