Jerod Mayo adds another layer to the Patriots anti-Belichick agenda

Kansas City Chiefs v New England Patriots
Kansas City Chiefs v New England Patriots / Maddie Meyer/GettyImages

The Patriots have dealt with a lot of controversy over the last twenty years, so they're no stranger to making headlines for the wrong reasons. Although the current drama isn't exactly front-page news, it is becoming an increasingly debated topic in New England, and as the days go by, there seems to be more evidence that some of them are potentially right.

Over the past month since Bill Belichick announced he was leaving the team, several exposé articles have been published surrounding the alleged deteriorating relationship between him and owner Robert Kraft, most of which have painted the head coach in an unfavorable light.

To some, it seems purposeful since he's no longer around, and Kraft remains, especially since there have been rumblings of Belichick being the one to blame for Tom Brady's exit four years ago, something Kraft has made a point that he never wanted to see happen.

Then there was the announcement of Jerod Mayo's promotion just one day after Belichick and the Patriots parted ways, which was interpreted as Kraft being unable to contain his excitement to replace the longtime head coach.

Most of that is speculative, of course, but in recent weeks, the new Apple TV+ documentary, "The Dynasty," has prompted a slew of reactions, with many viewers believing it is filled with more anti-Belichick substance. They may be looking too much into it, especially if they are still upset about Kraft's decision to move on from him when he did.

But they could also have a point, right?

Jerod Mayo makes it clear he does not want to be Bill Belichick

When Mayo was chosen to succeed Belichick, he was expected to bring a new attitude to the Patriots. Not just because he was younger but also because he was a former player, already well-liked in New England by the players, and understood what it was like to be coached and work with Belichick throughout his career.

In his first press conference last month, he spoke about not wanting to be like Bill, telling the media he appreciates what he did for him but wants to be his own man. And he seems to be making that clear again when introducing the new coordinators on Wednesday afternoon.

From the get-go, the presser had a completely different vibe than what we've become accustomed to in Foxboro. Instead of a podium, Mayo went with a more laid-back approach, having a table set up on the stage.

He also spoke about his intent to have a good relationship with the media, something Belichick was not known for in the latter years of his tenure, stressing the importance of that for him and his staff.

“They know that our relationship with the media is very important. I think there needs to be a good relationship between the two groups. I’ll try to make myself available as much as possible. At the same time, today is just really about the new coaches and the coordinators.”

Some feel this may have been a slight to the old regime, but it could just be Mayo speaking honestly and wanting to let it be known that things will be different with him in charge.

He had another memorable quote during his availability, too, when asked a question about his expectations from the offense. He seemingly went off script but gave us a sound bite-worthy moment in the process.

“We want to check our egos. … This is, even from a coaching staff, I’ll say it’s an ego-free zone. Once we get the coaches on that same page, you hope the players will follow suit and go out there and play for one another.”

Could it be another instance of taking a shot of those that came before him? Maybe, maybe not. You can be the judge.

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