3 overrated moves of the Patriots 2024 offseason 

Tennessee Titans v New England Patriots
Tennessee Titans v New England Patriots / Adam Glanzman/GettyImages
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Signing Joey Slye 

Chad Ryland was the worst kicker in the NFL last year, so there was, understandably, a real clamor to replace him. But Joey Slye was only marginally better than the rookie. 

Ryland successfully kicked a lowly 64.0% of his field goals in 2023, ranking him 33rd in the league. Slye ranked just four places higher after kicking just 79.2% of his. But he had the edge in terms of kicking PATs. The former Maryland Terrapin had an impressive 96% success rate. Former Virginia Tech Hokie Slye, on the other hand, only made 91.4%. 

Slye had the edge when it came to long-range opportunities, though. He made 3 of 5 compared to Ryland’s 2 of 4. The 28-year-old Slye also kicked the longest field goal, too. His 61-yarder was five yards further than Ryland’s best. 

Maybe the new Patriots coaching team subscribes to the idea that ball possession is the most important factor in winning football games. If they do, then they'll go for it on fourth down like Brandon Staley.

In that scenario, the kicker will only be important for kickoffs and PATs. With the NFL taking inspiration for its new kickoff rules from the UFL, it would be prudent to look at UFL kickers who have experienced those rules.