It's never surprising when random analysts or bitter retired players speak negatively about Tom Brady and his career, especially when talking about all that he has accomplished. Despite being inarguably named the greatest quarterback of all time, some still can't go over how he was able to lead the Patriots to so much consistent success over such a long period of time.
Most of those who take issue with the legend are players from teams Brady dominated throughout his career, making their wild and nonsensical takes even more laughable.
The latest unfathomable opinion came from the forgettable quarterback Alex Smith, who embarrassed himself on live television a couple of weeks ago when talking about Brady. He responded to a statement the former Patriot said on his podcast, stating the current NFL is mediocre.
Although Smith is no longer an active player and never achieved too much when he was, he took what Brady said personally and chose to respond with one of the oldest takes in a troll's book; the Patriots had an easy ride to the playoffs every year when Brady was playing.
"He played in the most uncompetitive division in NFL history. I mean, you come out of training camp in the biggest cupcake division, you got a ticket to the playoffs right away. Like, talk about mediocre."
Why he responded so defensively is unclear, but Brady wasn't wrong with his assessment of the league in 2023. But that's an argument for another day.
The best part of this whole situation is Julian Edelman's recent comments in response to what Smith said. He appeared on Cam Newton's "4th and 1" show this week and let the ex-49er/Chief/Commander know he's not the right guy to make those comments about the GOAT.
"You're not that guy, pal!" - @Edelman11
— 4thand1show (@4thand1show) December 14, 2023
🗣️ on Alex Smith calling out Tom Brady's comment about the 'mediocrity' in today's NFL
Those final shots about the Patriots taking the Chiefs out when Smith was the quarterback were simply the cherry on top of the entire conversation.
It's about time someone came out to defend Brady against him since almost everyone in the media enjoys jumping on the anti-Brady bandwagon and agrees with any sort of diminishing of his career. Maybe Edelman's words won't be taken seriously because of who he is and his close friendship, but everything he said is factual.