You could say that this is the dry spell of the NFL offseason, even for fans of the New England Patriots, perhaps the most newsworthy franchise in the league. Until the NBA and NHL playoffs wrap up, football is on the back burner. But seeing as how the Patriots’ roster is comprised of 90 players right now, more than at any other time of year, there is still plenty to analyze.
Here are all 61 colleges represented on Patriots roster
Today, we’re taking a different, more lighthearted look at the Patriots’ roster by counting down the 10 best names. Before diving into your first day back from work after the long weekend, humor yourself a bit and see which Patriots have the best names.
These 30 players will definitely make the final roster
These names are not ranked because deciding which names are better than others is splitting hairs. This is just a fun look at the 10 most entertaining names on the roster in general. We start with one of three undrafted rookie corners the Patriots brought on this month…
Next: 10. V’Angelo Bentley