Ranking the top 12 NFL uniforms

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Brian Spurlock-USA TODAY Sports

6. Indianapolis Colts

Overall grade: 9.00

Color uniform: 9.00

White uniform: 9.00

Alternate uniform: N/A

Except for a brief experiment with blue pants in the Marshall Faulk era back in the 1990s, the Colts have worn blue-on-white or white-on-white for as long as they’ve been a football team. That consistency alone scores them points among NFL uniforms critics.

Anyone who’s played horseshoes knows that it’s a great backyard barbeque game. It’s also an awesome logo for a football team.

Pair that traditional logo with the color blue—arguably the best color on the rainbow—and you have a great set of uniforms.

Only one other team in the NFL wears blue better than the Colts (keep reading, you’ll find out who). It’s not too dark, not too navy, not too light. It’s the kind of blue you’d find in a dictionary next to the word “blue”.

That blue works really well as a complement when the Colts wear all-white. If they are smart, the Colts won’t change their uniforms anytime soon, and the definitely won’t return to the blue pants they wore a few decades ago.

It’s sort of funny to think that as long as Andrew Luck plays in Indianapolis, he will never wear anything but white pants.

Next: 5. Kansas City Chiefs