Ranking the top 12 NFL uniforms

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Andrew Weber-USA TODAY Sports

To quote the great Deion Sanders, if you look good, you feel good and you play good. Some NFL uniforms look better than others. To help pass the time until the regular season opener, we’re going to grade and rank the top 12 uniforms in the NFL.

In this ranking, each team receives an overall uniform grade, which is derived from the average of three mini-grades: color jersey, white jersey and alternate uniform(s).

If a team typically wears their color jersey on top of color pants (i.e. the Seahawks), then that uniform is categorized as their color jersey. Keep in mind that some teams almost always wear white (i.e. the Dolphins and Cowboys), so a color jersey isn’t always synonymous with a home uniform.

There will be some surprises in this ranking. There will be some teams with a great color uniform or a great white uniform, but their alternate or throwback uniform drags down their grade.

Without any further ado, let’s start at the bottom and work our way up.

Next: 12. Philadelphia Eagles
