New England Patriots: Jimmy Garoppolo Is The Future, Everyone Relax


Yesterday, the New England Patriots opened practice to the media for the second time, and unfortunately, Jimmy Garoppolo was seen throwing five interceptions, which has set off a frenzy among Patriots fans everywhere.

In the words of Aaron Rodgers: R-E-L-A-X.

First off, barring any big injuries, I don’t think we are going to see Garoppolo take any meaningful snaps in 2015. Since Roger Goodell is hearing Brady’s appeal, the process won’t likely end there, but once Brady takes it to court, his four game suspension will be completely reduced, and he will be on the field on September 10th to take on the Pittsburgh Steelers.

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Going back to Garoppolo’s performance on the practice field, people are really blowing it out of proportion. The second year player threw a few off target passes in June, where EVERYBODY is just trying to get adjusted to football life again. In actual game action, Garoppolo has looked very good, so he might have set the bar a little high for Pats fans, especially for those afraid that Brady might be missing some time in 2015. The kid is still learning the game, but given time, he will develop into a very good quarterback. He has all the tools necessary, he just needs to keep working, and learning, and eventually he will get there.

As a side note, I am not sure Garoppolo will ever become “the man” in New England, just because of his contract situation. I can see Tom Brady playing at least three more years, possibly four, and by that time, Garoppolo’s contract will be up, and if he has yet to play any meaningful snaps in Foxboro, why would he want to re-sign here?

Obviously that is just speculation, but it is hard to envision a scenario where Garoppolo will want to re-sign in a place where he hasn’t played at all for five years.