FanSided NFL All-Star Team: Help Us Decide!

(Big thanks to Dennis Amo over at Buffalowdown for putting this piece together)

To bridge the gap that we tend to get during the off-season with lulls of nothing football related going on, FanSided NFL is going to be putting together a NFL Division All-Star Team Tournament.
For this tournament to happen, we will need your help as fans.  The Editors of the AFC East FanSided Sites, as well as the corresponding sites for the rest of the divisions, will be selecting a Division All-Star team, to take on the rest of the Divisions which will finally end in an AFC vs NFC All Star Super Bowl with the two remaining divisions. Starting July 20th the tournament will be begin on the FanSided site NFL Spin Zone.  

The teams will consist of 11 offensive players and 11 defensive players.  We will then submit our team to the FanSided Gods and leave it up to you our fan base.  As fans you will vote on who has the better division team as well as who you feel is more deserving of a win. This will keep going until there is only one division still standing at the end.  

During the selection process of players, we, as editors, may come to a stalemate on a certain position and/or player.  We will then ask for your assistance in voting for the player that you feel should be included in the All-Star Division Team.  The poll will only stay up for 24 hours and with whatever results we have, we will take the winning player and add to the team. SO we need you guys to stay attentive and keep coming back to see where we are at as well as invite your friends to vote as well.  The more people we have voting the more yu guys have a say in it. 

We will update you during the process and let you know what and who we have decided on throughout the process.  Keep your eyes open and watch out for our first poll to help decide the fate of the FanSided All-Star AFC East Team.
