Tim Tebow is a man of high character, and anyone who questions..."/> Tim Tebow is a man of high character, and anyone who questions..."/>

Tim Tebow draws praise for character from Robert Kraft


Tim Tebow is a man of high character, and anyone who questions that is most likely not being objective. You can criticize Tebow’s ability all you want (I know I have done this plenty of times), but Tebow is unquestionably is classy individual. New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft feels the same way about Tebow, and it seems like Tebow’s character was one of the main reasons why Kraft, who stated he was among those who made the decision to bring Tebow to New England, wanted the Patriots to sign him.

Stew Milne-USA TODAY Sports

Kraft said, via ESPN Boston, “If you want to win in this league, you need quality depth management, in the age of the salary cap. Whenever you can get a competitive, first-grade person to join your team, you never know what happens. But for me personally, having Tim Tebow on this team, he’s someone who believes in spirituality, he’s very competitive and works hard, and has a great attitude, and he’s a winner. So having him as part of our franchise is great, but he has to compete just like anyone else. We’re blessed to have a lot of people like that, but the fact that spirituality is very important to him is very appealing to me.”

Quickly back to pure football stuff here. Kraft’s initial statement about “depth management” rings true with the Patriots decision to sign Tim Tebow, and the Patriots policy, from what I believe, is that every spot on the 53-man roster needs to be utilized effectively. Mike Kafka is a solid backup, but he would have just been sitting there behind Ryan Mallett as insurance to the insurance. Is that good use? No. Especially not when the Patriots could sign Tim Tebow, who is a third-string quarterback and can play around the formation in different roles under a creative scope; he gives the Patriots more versatility.

Now, back to Kraft’s interview. If you follow the link to ESPN Boston above and read the rest of the transcript, you will see that Kraft’s praise of Tebow is just as effusive throughout as it is in the quote I provided. Kraft seems to love Tebow as a person, and that can only help. His work ethic and spirituality can only help the Patriots out and his own stock out, but it all comes down to how Tebow fits, if he is willing to embrace his versatility, and if he shows enough talent in camp. If he is to make the Patriots 53-man roster, he will have to prove himself. Because for Tim Tebow, there are no guarantees from the Patriots, and there are no guarantees in the contract.

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