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New England Patriots Adrian Wilson on league perception


New England Patriots new strong safety Adrian Wilson has the presence of a leader in addition to the presence of the “Incredible Hunk” in the defensive backfield with his massive frame and hard-hitting. Wilson is astute and assured on the mic, and he delivered some more notable quotes.

Jeff Hanisch-USA TODAY Sports

I found his answer regarding the question of the league’s perception of the Patriots to be interesting, because it is always interesting to see what other teams think about the Pats. So many teams have stated that they like to look at what the Pats do and then wonder if there is a pattern going on in New England that they should latch on to, because several league trends such as the increased value of the tight end and slot receiver have originated in New England.

Wilson said via ESPN Boston, “That they win. Other than that, a very disciplined team, a team that you’re going to have to beat them. It’s like the champ; you have to undecidedly beat the champ, you can’t just go out there and box a good 12 rounds. You have to actually knock them out.”

I love that last sentence, and the winning mentality and discipline of the team are two very attractive qualities to veterans in this league. I mean, Wilson said himself that the main reason he chose the Patriots is because they win, and I hope Wilson is able to win a ring with the Pats given all he gave for the Arizona Cardinals. He played for some bad teams in the desert, and he played for one great team that came seconds short of a Super Bowl victory.

Anyway, Adrian Wilson also delivered a quote that gives us insight on the worries of a player fitting into a new team. Although it took no time for Wilson to assimilate himself into the Patriots culture and New England locker room, he did say that he had worries. From the Boston Herald now, “It’s scary. Obviously, you want to come in with the right mindset, and you just want to get along with the guys really, and you want to kind of make sure you hang around them, get to know each and every guy. I think that’s probably really the biggest concern I have right now, is just trying to make sure I know all of the guys that I’m going to be playing with. Right now, we’re moving in the right direction.”

“Scary”, huh? That’s an interesting quote from Wilson, and it’s great to hear that he has quickly become a part of this team. It’s great to have Wilson with the Patriots, and it will be interesting to see how he can help mentor Tavon Wilson and, more importantly, how he can help the Patriots defense directly. His presence at SS, ability in underneath coverage, and ability to play the run should be big assets to this team. In 2011, he was one of the elite safeties in the NFL. In 2012, he took a step backwards. In 2013, I think Wilson enjoys a very good season in New England.

Any thoughts on how Wilson fits the team? Thoughts on the two quotes contained in this piece from Wilson? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section.

You can follow Joe Soriano on Twitter @SorianoJoe.