Please Read – My Personnel Thanks & Apologies!

I just wanted to offer my apologies for the lack of updates or articles on this site.  But my son was up at the Duke University Hospital in Raleigh NC, having another major surgery performed on him.  Not to many outside of family and friends know this information but he was born in early March, and was also a month early.  He was also born with a few medical problems, one of them being Hirschsprung’s Disease, which is the reason why he’s had two major surgeries all ready.

Unfortunately when it comes to the second condition there’s no surgery that can fix it or cure it.  Which doesn’t matter since he’s still going to be loved by his entire family of brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, godparents, as well as his mother and myself.  As well as the rest of our friends and extended family.

So while he was having the operation I was pretty much right beside him, sitting at his bedside, while he was recovering after the surgery.  Well it wasn’t only myself, he did have my wife there also.  Which helped comfort him and kept me from going bonkers with worry.  He’s recovering nicely and will be coming home shortly according to his surgeons.

His surgeon who I might add is a brilliant and great surgeon says he should be fine in a few weeks.  After he gets the rest and time that he needs to heal and finish recovering.  Which is great news to me since the little guy’s not even 6 months old and this was the third time he’s been in the hospital and the second major surgery that he’s gone through.

I’d like to thank everyone who’s been there along the way, not only for myself but also my family, throughout this long and extrememly tiresome process.  Especially Zach Best and Adam Best, who are the masterminds and the brains, as well as the founders and owners of the FanSided Sports Network/ sites.  As they didn’t give up on me, or toss me to the curb.  When I wasn’t able to keep the and the sites updated on a daily or even weekly basis. 

Thank you very much Zach and Adam, it means a lot to me!  I’d also like to offer my thanks to Brian from Phin Phanatic (Dolphins) and Dan from The Landry Hat (Cowboys) for their support and well wishes.  Plus all the rest of you that have sent your best wishes, prayers and thoughts along our way.  Especially those of you that took the time and listened to me, while I needed to vent and get things off my chest in the beginning.

Now that things are hopefully starting to wind down with my son, and he’s going to be back home in a few days.  I’ll actually be able to focus and start concentrating on both the Red Sox and Patriots sites once again.  So look for them to be back up and running like they should be within a few days.  And all the rest of you that have sent your best wishes, prayers and thoughts along our way.
